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How to Develop a More Appealing Workplace Learning? A Talk At CIPD Manchester

How to Develop a More Appealing Workplace Learning? A Talk At CIPD Manchester

Did you know your organisation already has access to the best learning and development platform in the world?

Here is my talk at CIPD Conference and Exhibition in Manchester, the professional association for human resource management professionals, where I have presented the best learning and development platform. The best part? It has the largest content library that truly engages and it’s heavily used by today's multi-generational workforce.

The tricky part is that it's already installed in every organization, but it's not working properly nor delivering all its potential value.

Hint: It's not Learninghubz, but we can help make it work.

If you're curious, check my presentation video here.

Frequently Asked

How can businesses adapt to the changing job landscape?

Businesses can adapt to the changing job landscape by investing in workforce planning and talent development strategies. They should identify skill gaps within their workforce and provide training opportunities to help employees acquire the necessary skills. It is crucial for businesses to stay agile and proactive in their approach to talent management to remain competitive in the evolving job market. By prioritizing skills development and nurturing a culture of innovation, businesses can navigate the challenges of the future job market successfully.

What are some key skills that will be in high demand in the future job market?

Some key skills that will be in high demand in the future job market include critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, emotional intelligence, and digital literacy. These skills are considered essential as automation and AI technologies continue to advance. Individuals who possess these skills will have a competitive advantage in the job market.

How can individuals prepare themselves for the future of jobs?

Individuals can prepare for the future of jobs by actively seeking opportunities for reskilling and upskilling. They should focus on developing skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, emotional intelligence, and digital literacy. Lifelong learning and staying abreast of technological advancements are also crucial. By investing in their own development, individuals can adapt to changing job requirements and enhance their employability.

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